This article is part of a series introducing the 2017-2020 SIGUCCS Executive Committee. Each Board member submitted answers to questions created by the SIGUCCS Marketing Committee.
How did you get involved in SIGUCCS?
I was a recent graduate and my manager at the time (Fran Versace) thought it would be an important professional development opportunity for me. Plus, the timing of the fall conference was a perfect change of pace after back-to-school.
Why did you want to be a Board Member?
I hadn’t considered being on the Executive Committee per se. I was asked by a couple people to consider running, and I wanted to give something back to an organization that had come to mean so much to me personally and professionally.
Who in SIGUCCS inspires you?
There are dozens of people. I am inspired by the considerable contributions of our volunteers, from their generosity in sharing in online forums to the production of the annual conference. Almost all of my close friends are a part of SIGUCCS, and they have had a part in who, and where, I am today. I never met Penny Crane, but I did know Beth Ruffo. Her enthusiasm for SIGUCCS was contagious, and she encouraged me to take on my first official role as NY state captain in 1997. Later on, leaders such as John Bucher, Rob Paterson, Leila Lyons and Bob Haring-Smith were influential for their thoughtful commitment to the organization, and the people who are a part of it.
What do you wish you knew before you decided to be on the board?
The adage of “the more you know, the more you don’t know” applies. Being on a team of strong leaders means equally strong, and often differing, viewpoints. I had some training on emotional intelligence and ‘Meyers-Briggs’ leadership types, but putting all that theory into reality, particularly in a volunteer organization, was experience that will help me through the remainder of my career.
You could always stop and talk to me about…
I prefer listening to talking, so I can understand what is important to the person. I tend to try to solve problems, whether it is fixing something that broke, or thinking of ways for people to find common ground. You could start with telling me your goals in life, or a problem that you are having.
What do you do for fun?
This weekend I was on my back on a garage floor, completely failing at keeping transmission fluid from staining me, the floor, and everything in between. The previous weekend I worked on bringing modern wiring up to the second floor of my house, which by way of detour, will involve creating a new closet upstairs. Both of those are more fun than they sound. If it involves tools, chances are I’m going to like it. Traveling lets me work on photography and discover new music (love alternative stations on XM). I only get to read while on vacation now, and will usually go through a few books in a week.
What are you looking forward to at the SIGUCCS 2017 Conference?
Seeing all of my friends again, and hearing about their accomplishments. I’ve never been to Seattle, so it will be great to explore that area.
How do you take your coffee?
Cafe Mocha.