Category Archives: SIGUCCS Board

April 2019 – Updates from the Chair

April showers are here, and I know the May flowers are coming because my allergies are in full swing! This week, I purchased my flights for the SIGUCCS 2019 Annual Conference and made my hotel reservations. The first draft of our conference papers is due soon – we will be together in NOLA before you know it!

The Executive Committee (EC) has been springing forward on many activities as well.

Continue reading April 2019 – Updates from the Chair

January 2019 – Updates from the Chair

SIGUCCS 2019 Logo

For those of us in higher education, January is a crazy month – mid-year for our academic calendar, and a very busy time preparing for and starting a new semester. The weather in many areas also adds the challenges of bitter cold, snow, and ice. I am certainly missing Orlando on days like today!

The Call for Proposals is here! Share a presentation, panel, poster, or lightning talk at the SIGUCCS Annual Conference in New Orleans in November. Proposals are due March 8. Visit the 2019 Conference website for details.

The Executive Committee (EC) continues to meet monthly, and our committees are busy planning and working as well! Here are highlights of our accomplishments this quarter:

Continue reading January 2019 – Updates from the Chair

July 2018 – Updates from the Chair

ACM SIGUCCS LogoI hope you’re all enjoying your summer – although it is the busiest season for higher education technology support professionals, it also is a great time to relax and enjoy life away from the office.

Here are highlights of the SIGUCCS Board’s accomplishments this quarter:

  • Each year we submit an annual report to ACM which summarizes the highlight of our activities during the past fiscal year. The 2017-2018 report is available on the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes page. Our report will be combined with other SIGs and the SIG Governing Board’s annual report and available on the ACM website.
  • The Core Conference Committee for SIGUCCS 2019 is in place and soon they will be visiting our conference site! Stay tuned for the big reveal of our conference location!
  • The Board held a special meeting on the topic of completing the recommendations made by our marketing consultant. We identified areas to complete this summer. You may already notice some changes to our website. Kudos to Lisa Brown and the Marketing Committee for the work they continue to perform!!
  • We hosted three webinars on communicating in tech support, identifying core competencies, and enhancing cross functional teams. If you missed them, check out our YouTube channel.
  • Laurie was recently elected to the SGB Executive Committee (SGB-EC) as a Member-at-Large. I’m excited to serve SIGUCCS and ACM in this new capacity! As I learn more about what my responsibilities are, I will share that news with the SIGUCCS community.

If you are interested in reading more details of our activity in the Board’s meeting minutes, they are posted online: Executive Committee Meeting Minutes.

SIGUCCS 2018 Conference LogoThe annual conference will be here in just over 70 days. Are you counting down, too? Join us in Orlando on October 7-10, 2018. Early registration prices end September 9.
SIGUCCS 2018 Conference; Orlando, FL


April 2018 – Updates from the Chair

ACM SIGUCCS LogoThe end of April is approaching rapidly, which does not seem possible as the temperatures remain below freezing and snow is still in the air on my campus. Our students are less than two weeks away from final exams. Soon the campus will be mostly empty and we will be enjoying the long summer afforded to us by working at a higher education institution.

Did I mention we had snow on our cars again this morning?

The SIGUCCS Board has been busy the last few months. Here are some highlights of things we have accomplished so far in 2018:

  • We welcomed Allan Chen to the board as Secretary and Professional Development Coordinator. Allan hit the ground running, coordinating the 2018 webinar series and pre-conference seminars.
  • We have hosted three webinars on topics that range from managing student projects to endpoint security.
  • Laurie attended the SIG Governing Board meeting in Chicago in March. (It was quite cold there, too!) The focus of the March meeting was on building inclusive communities in our SIGs and conferences. It’s a great opportunity to chat with other SIG leaders and share our best practices.Laurie Fox at "the Bean" in Chicago
  • We accepted the Final Report from the 2017 Conference Committee and closed the financials with ACM. Another fantastic, successful conference – thank you to everyone who volunteered, presented, and attended!
  • We prepared and submitted our 2018-2019 budget to ACM.
  • ACM and Dan Herrick are working on site selection for the 2019 Annual Conference.
  • We refined our privacy policy for future conferences. At registration, attendees will be presented with clear options for sharing their contact information.

If you are interested in reading the Board’s meeting minutes, they are posted online:

SIGUCCS 2018 Conference LogoMany of you are working hard for SIGUCCS, too! Our 2018 Conference Committee is busy planning our voyage to the stars (October 7-10). The Mentoring Program kicked off earlier this year, and each month mentors and mentees are growing and learning together. The Awards Committee opened their call for nominations, as did the Communications Award team. There are so many ways to stay involved!



Meet the 2017 – 2020 Board – Allan Chen

This article is part of a series introducing the 2017-2020 SIGUCCS Executive Committee. Each Board member submitted answers to questions created by the SIGUCCS Marketing Committee.

Allan ChenHow did you get involved in SIGUCCS?
My first conference was in 2005, in Monterey. I was at Stanford at the time so it was a “short” trip down the coast for me. We stayed in a separate hotel and had to walk over a mile each way. I got so much out of the conference, I didn’t mind the extra time on my feet each night, at all.

Why did you want to be a Board Member?
I feel I can contribute at a different level and have a part in guiding the organization forward by being on the Board.

Who in SIGUCCS inspires you?
There is no one answer to this. I have been motivated and inspired by so many in SIGUCCS over the years that I can’t point to anyone one person. And at each new conference I meet more inspirational folks.

What do you wish you knew before you decided to be on the board?
I think the breadth of what the Board does is quite expansive. Guiding an organization such as SIGUCCS is a large task, one that must be definition involve the community itself. I don’t think I was caught unawares, but I do wish I had had a better understanding of how broad the mission of the Board is. It’s both impressive and intimidating.

You could always stop and talk to me about…
Photography, especially traditional film work. I still shoot whenever I can, in medium and large format, though I usually bring digital on trips.

What do you do for fun?
Photography, a bit of hiking, and then it’s spending time with the kids (ages 3 and 6).

What are you looking forward to at the SIGUCCS 2018 Conference?
Reconnecting with friends and colleagues, and making new connections.

Meet the 2017-2020 Committee Chairs – Shawn Plummer, Exhibitor Relations Chair

This article is part of a series introducing the 2017-2020 SIGUCCS Executive Committee and our appointed positions. Each Committee member submitted answers to questions created by the SIGUCCS Marketing Committee.

How did you get involved in SIGUCCS?
My good friend Laurie I implemented a new ticketing system at our College in 2005. A colleague recommended SIGUCCS to us and we decided to submit a paper on our project. We were delighted to be accepted, and I was off to make my first professional presentation at SIGUCCS 2006 in Edmonton.

Who in SIGUCCS inspires you?
Allan Chen has always impressed me. His encouragement to be more involved and how he made juggling so many responsibilities look easy has helped me see that I could do it too. Well, I hope I can anyway, there are some big shoes to fill!

What accomplishments are you especially proud of?
Implementing configuration management (puppet) at my work was a very large undertaking that I am proud of. It has not only made my work more enjoyable and easier, it has helped my entire team to collaborate and provide better support to our institution.

You could always stop and talk to me about…
Games, I love games, from growing up playing D&D with my friends, to the many different board games I play every week at my weekly game night and with the student gaming club I am advisor for.

What are you looking forward to at the SIGUCCS 2018 Conference?
I am looking forward to everything, but especially the opportunity to meet and learn from other people that do what I do.

How do you take your coffee?
Dark and plain.

Meet the 2017 – 2020 Board – Chester Andrews

This article is part of a series introducing the 2017-2020 SIGUCCS Executive Committee. Each Board member submitted answers to questions created by the SIGUCCS Marketing Committee.

Chester AndrewsHow did you get involved in SIGUCCS?
Our former CIO (John Bucher) of 19 years was a SIGUCCS champion. He encouraged others in our IT organization to attend the conference and get involved. I started by volunteering for Session chairs and helping at the Registration Desk.

Why did you want to be a Board Member?
I served on the Resnet, Inc. Board for many years. I have enjoyed shaping and participating in the SIGUCCS organization.

Who in SIGUCCS inspires you?
I am inspired by everyone that writes papers and gives presentations and participates in SIGUCCS. Many dedicated people share their knowledge and talents with the organization to make it better. And we all benefit from the new knowledge and shared experiences that we get to share each year.

What’s an accomplishment that you are especially proud of?
I have been the public address announcer for my Alma mater’s band program. I never thought I would be the voice behind a microphone, but it is something really enjoy.

You could always stop and talk to me about…
Playing music instruments. I get tons of enjoyment from music making and learning about music.

What do you do for fun?
I play Instrumental Music in a program called New Horizons. Adult’s learn to play or revisit instrument playing after long periods of time. I currently play the Bass Clarinet and the Alto Saxophone.

What are you looking forward to at the SIGUCCS 2018 Conference?
SIGUCCS 2017 was a great conference in sunny Seattle. I look forward to seeing everyone at SIGUCCS 2018.

Meet the 2017-2020 Committee Chairs – Kathy Fletcher, Communication Awards Chair

This article is part of a series introducing the 2017-2020 SIGUCCS Executive Committee and our appointed positions. Each Committee member submitted answers to questions created by the SIGUCCS Marketing Committee.

Kathy FletcherHow did you get involved in SIGUCCS?
I attended my first conference in 1988 and have now attended a total of 17 SIGUCCS conferences. However, it wasn’t until I presented my first paper in 2005 that I started feeling “involved”.

Why did you want to be Communications Award Chair?
I agreed to serve as the Communications Award Chair because (a) I feel that I can apply the organizational skills I honed as a Conference Track Chair ; (b) I will be able to get advice from previous incumbents; and (c) a personal invitation that spelled out the tasks and time commitment.

Who in SIGUCCS inspires you?
John Bucher – I learned something from every encounter at conferences over the years; Bob Haring-Smith – his intelligence, wide range of experiences, quick wit, mad editing skills, and calm presence made for an amazing co-worker; Mo Nishiyama – as I strive improve my planning skills; and the Triumvirate from Carleton College (Kendra, Travis, and Kevin) who exemplify teamwork and work/life balance. I have learned something from almost everyone I have met at the conferences. So many have made me feel welcome over the years.

What accomplishments are you especially proud of?
Achieving ACM Senior Member status; my Masters degree in Statistics; dancing on stage (various performances – dancing in front of others is scary and takes a lot of preparation).

You could always stop and talk to me about…
Dancing, singing, or Ireland.

What do you do for fun?
Dance! I take 2-3 dance classes each week (a wide variety of different styles over the years). My husband and I attend traditional Appalachian square dances almost every weekend. I also enjoy singing, reading mysteries, working Sudoku puzzles, and hiking in the woods.

What are you looking forward to at the SIGUCCS 2018 Conference?
Every year I look forward to seeing the friends I have made over the years. This year, one of my conference accomplishments was to meet some of the communications awards winners since they will serve as judges in 2018.

How do you take your coffee?
The 2017 conference is over but I like my coffee (a) decaf mixed with instant hot chocolate mix or (b) as an Irish Coffee (Irish whiskey and whipped creme).

Meet the 2017-2020 Board – Mat Felthousen

This article is part of a series introducing the 2017-2020 SIGUCCS Executive Committee. Each Board member submitted answers to questions created by the SIGUCCS Marketing Committee.

MatFelthousenHow did you get involved in SIGUCCS?
I was a recent graduate and my manager at the time (Fran Versace) thought it would be an important professional development opportunity for me. Plus, the timing of the fall conference was a perfect change of pace after back-to-school.

Why did you want to be a Board Member?
I hadn’t considered being on the Executive Committee per se. I was asked by a couple people to consider running, and I wanted to give something back to an organization that had come to mean so much to me personally and professionally.

Who in SIGUCCS inspires you?
There are dozens of people. I am inspired by the considerable contributions of our volunteers, from their generosity in sharing in online forums to the production of the annual conference. Almost all of my close friends are a part of SIGUCCS, and they have had a part in who, and where, I am today. I never met Penny Crane, but I did know Beth Ruffo. Her enthusiasm for SIGUCCS was contagious, and she encouraged me to take on my first official role as NY state captain in 1997. Later on, leaders such as John Bucher, Rob Paterson, Leila Lyons and Bob Haring-Smith were influential for their thoughtful commitment to the organization, and the people who are a part of it.

What do you wish you knew before you decided to be on the board?
The adage of “the more you know, the more you don’t know” applies. Being on a team of strong leaders means equally strong, and often differing, viewpoints. I had some training on emotional intelligence and ‘Meyers-Briggs’ leadership types, but putting all that theory into reality, particularly in a volunteer organization, was experience that will help me through the remainder of my career.

You could always stop and talk to me about…
I prefer listening to talking, so I can understand what is important to the person. I tend to try to solve problems, whether it is fixing something that broke, or thinking of ways for people to find common ground. You could start with telling me your goals in life, or a problem that you are having.

What do you do for fun?
This weekend I was on my back on a garage floor, completely failing at keeping transmission fluid from staining me, the floor, and everything in between. The previous weekend I worked on bringing modern wiring up to the second floor of my house, which by way of detour, will involve creating a new closet upstairs. Both of those are more fun than they sound. If it involves tools, chances are I’m going to like it. Traveling lets me work on photography and discover new music (love alternative stations on XM). I only get to read while on vacation now, and will usually go through a few books in a week.

SIGUCCS 2017 LogoWhat are you looking forward to at the SIGUCCS 2017 Conference?
Seeing all of my friends again, and hearing about their accomplishments. I’ve never been to Seattle, so it will be great to explore that area.

How do you take your coffee?
Cafe Mocha.