This article is part of a series introducing the SIGUCS 2020 Conference Committee. Each Committee member submitted answers to questions created by the SIGUCCS Marketing Committee.

Eric Handler, Academic Information Associate at Macalester College, is a SIGUCCS 2020 Program Co-Chair.
How many SIGUCCS conferences have you attended?
Which previous SIGUCCS conference was your favorite, and why?
How can I choose? There have been so many great conferences in recent years. I presented (a poster) for the first time in Seattle, I got to have an amazing meal with Laurie Fox and others overlooking the bay and it was my second trip to Seattle that calendar year so it reminds me of all the different opportunities and experiences SIGUCCS has in store for me and everyone else. Similar experiences in Denver (let’s not talk about the Wednesday morning though) and New Orleans are also highlights.
How did you get involved as a volunteer in SIGUCCS?
At my first SIGUCCS I took advantage of the hospitality suite to meet new people and made enough suggestions of new games that I was asked if I’d like to be the suite host the next year.
What’s an accomplishment that you are especially proud of (personal or work-related)?
I’ve lost over one hundred pounds since October 2018. Now the hard part is being able to say I’ve kept it off for a year, 3 years, etc.
You can always stop and talk to me about …
Board and Card games. One of my favorite memories regarding games is when a fellow SIGUCCS attendee asked if I knew what game started with T and has hexagonal tiles. It only took a few extra clarifications before I identified Terra Mystica (and check out Gaia Project if you’d like to play the same game but IN SPACE!).
For fun, I like to …
Play board games, card games and tennis. I’ve been on a bit of an exercise kick the last year and a half so if I’m forced to sit still on an airplane I’ll read through a good sci-fi book in a flash!
SIGUCCS 2020 San Diego… what kind of hot sauce do you put on your tacos?
Something with citrus and vinegar, with a nice kick, but not overwhelming. I’m currently a big fan of Tia Lupita out of San Fransisco.