March 2020 – Updates from the Chair

I rarely write these updates far in advance, and that’s a good thing for this month! The changes in our professional and personal lives during this health crisis are monumental, unprecedented, and several other big vocabulary words.

Dan Herrick's Home Office
Dan Herrick’s Home Office

You all continue to inspire me, working hard to ensure your campuses are running smoothly while changing your own work environment. If you have not yet joined the Slack discussions in our workspace, I encourage you to Join our SIGUCCS Slack Team. We are sharing our successes and even a few laughs!

Recently, you participated in a survey where the EC asked “If the SIGUCCS conference was held in Spring, how would that impact your future attendance?” I’m including the results of that question, and you can clearly see that the timing of our conference makes a difference. After careful consideration, the SIGUCCS Annual Conference is moving to the spring for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Survey results

SIGUCCS is hosting our first Virtual Conference on April 22, 2020. We have been planning the content for a few months, and I hope you are able to participate. There is a $50 registration cost per campus — you can share the sign in with other members on your campus.

The Executive Committee is getting together with our 2020 Conference leadership soon to discuss options for the ACM SIGUCCS 2020 Annual Conference. It’s hard to predict what travel restrictions may be in place in November; we are planning and preparing to make a decision about our event in the next few weeks.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions – or would like to volunteer your talents and experience with us for SIGUCCS! And wash your hands.

~ Laurie Fox

About SIGUCCS Editor

The Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services (SIGUCCS) is an association of professionals who support and manage the diverse aspects of information technology services at higher education institutions. SIGUCCS is one of 36 special interest groups of ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, the world's largest educational and scientific computing society. SIGUCCS focuses on issues surrounding the support, delivery, and management of those services, and provides professional development opportunities for its members and the other individuals in the field.