As we look back on our 2019 accomplishments, there are many things to celebrate in our SIGUCCS Community. I am also looking forward to things to come in the next year, including elections for a new Executive Committee and the SIGUCCS 2020 Annual Conference in beautiful San Diego California!
Here are our SIGUCCS accomplishments for 2019:
- Nearly 250 of us gathered in New Orleans for the SIGUCCS 2019 Conference. We enjoyed thought-provoking plenary speakers, engaging sessions, informative posters, and plenty of time to network with old and new friends. Be sure to join us next year!
- SIGUCCS completed ACM’s viability review process. Our results were favorable: The SGB EC congratulates SIGUCCS on its program performance and finds it viable to continue its status for the next 4 years. SIGUCCS should be commended for their active online community.
- We celebrated our newest Penny Crane Award for Distinguished Service recipient, Kelly Wainright, at the 2019 conference in New Orleans.
- The Book Club wrapped up its first year, completing 10 books! You can see the 2020 selections on our web page.
- The SIGUCCS 2020 Conference core committee met together in San Diego to begin planning our next conference. They will be sharing more information with us soon!
- The SIGUCCS Mentoring Advisory Board is in the process of matching mentors and mentees for the 2020 cohort.
- Our election slate for 2020 has been submitted to ACM. The slate will be shared with SIGUCCS members soon, and there will be an opportunity for further nominations. Elections occur in late spring.
- Allan Chen is starting to put together our 2020 Webinar Series. If you have an idea for a webinar, please contact him directly.
If you are interested in reading the details of our activity in the Executive Committee’s meeting minutes, they are posted online: Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions – or would like to volunteer your talents and experience with us for SIGUCCS!