Board Roles & Responsibilities

We are often asked “what does the SIGUCCS Executive Committee (the Board) do?” Here is an overview of roles and responsibilities for each position.

All Board Members

  • Represent, and ensure the long term viability of, the SIGUCCS organization
  • Review and respond to Executive Committee (EC) correspondence (1 hour per month)
  • Attend monthly Executive Committee meetings (1 hour per month) plus ad hoc special board meetings (2 hours once every 4-6 months)
  • Engage in CIO Advisory Council meetings (1.5 hours 2-3 times a year)
  • Attend and publicly participate in the annual SIGUCCS in-person conference (additional days for board meeting) and the virtual conference(s)


  • Monitor and mentor SIG committees and other EC positions
  • Manage Social Media channels (may be delegated to other positions)
  • Plan and lead monthly EC meetings (2-3 hours per month)
  • Attend monthly SIG Marketing meeting (1 hour per month)
  • Host Webinars each month
  • Create Board updates and other newsletter articles (1-2 hours per month)
  • Participate in weekly marketing efforts (1 hour per week)
  • Co-lead, with Past Chair, nominating committee for SIGUCCS elections (4-6 hours, once per three year term)
  • Attend ACM SIG Governing Board (SGB) meetings (twice a year, all day meeting in NYC or Chicago + travel time)

Vice Chair & Conference Liaison

  • Represent the rules, regulations, and initiatives of the Executive Committee, the SIG, and ACM to each year’s conference committee
  • Represent the desires and initiatives of each conference committee to the Executive Committee, and facilitate communication between each entity as necessary
  • Facilitate communication between each conference committee, the EC, and ACM as necessary
  • Communicate operational procedures of ACM to each conference committee*
  • Report major conference committee activities to the Executive Committee
  • Lead each year’s initial conference planning (site selection and date selection) (8-10 hours per year)
  • Perform initial logistical setup for each year’s conference committee, including online tools setup (4-6 hours per year)
  • Organize and attend the annual conference planning site visit (8-10 hours of planning, 2-3 days on-site plus travel time)
  • Orient each year’s new conference committee chair and core conference committee (8-10 hours per year)
  • Ensure conference planning guide is up-to-date, incorporating new rules and procedures into the guide (10-15 hours per year)
  • Recruit for and select conference committee volunteers (8-10 hours per year)
  • Attend current conference committee planning meetings (1-4 hours per month)
  • Attend next/upcoming conference committee planning meetings (1 hour per month)

Secretary & Professional Development

  • Attend and take notes for monthly board meetings (1 hour per month) plus ad hoc special board meetings (2 hours once every 4-6 months)
  • Edit meeting notes for public consumption (less than 1 hour per month)
  • Prepare documentation for CIO Advisory Council (4-6 hours 2-3 times a year)
  • Set up and facilitate Professional Development Webinars and SIGUCCS Meet Ups each month (1 hour per month, plus 5-7 hours of planning shortly after the conference)
  • Oversee the Professional Development Mentoring Program


  • Oversee and plan annual budget (about 2-3 hours in February)
  • Perform treasurer duties for the annual conference (Prepare TMRF (budget and fiscal planning document), attend Conference meetings) (1-2 hours per month)
  • Approve expense reimbursements (minimal, all-year round)
  • Oversee Exhibitor Relations

Information Director

  • Manage website, creating new pages and making changes as necessary (4 hours / month)
  • Administer email lists
  • Administer SIG Google Domain
  • Curate photo collection
  • Oversee Communication Awards

Past Chair & Marketing Chair

  • Serve as continuity and institutional memory for transition between Executive Committee terms (generally handled within the time required for all points that follow) 
  • Serve as liaison to Awards Committee meetings (6-8 hours per year)
  • Serve as representative to ACM functions if Chair is not available (see Chair responsibilities)
  • Co-lead, with Chair, nominating committee for SIGUCCS elections (4-6 hours per three year term)
  • Serve as Marketing ChairPlan and lead SIG Marketing meetings (2 hours per month)
    • Write monthly recap email (1 hour over the course of the month)
    • Review marketing for conference (minimal, weekly as per marketing plan)
    • Prepare weekly social media promotional posts (about 1 hour every 2 months)