Look back at years of SIGUCCS conferences and the technology events and breakthroughs that occurred at those times.
Spring 1947 | ACM founded as the “Association for Computing Machinery” |
Summer 1961 | First SIGs and SICS (Special Interest Groups and Committees) formed in ACM |
August 1963 | SIGUCC (Special Interest Group on University Computer Centers) formed in ACM |
Jan. 1965 | First SIGUCC Newsletter published as a President’s Letterv |
April 1970 | First conference held in Atlanta (the “Unbundling Conference”) |
August 1971 | The SIGUCC Newsletter formalized as a quarterly publication with an editor, and first issue published in fall of that year |
April 1973 | First “User Services” Conference held in Chicago |
April 1974 | First “Computer Services Management Symposium” held in St. Louis, and held in St. Louis every spring thereafter through 2002 |
Oct. 1974 | Second User Services Conference held in Toronto, and every fall thereafter in various cities through 2010 |
Oct. 1975 | Third User Services Conference held in Cherry Hill, NJ, with first published proceedings |
Spring 1980 | “Peer Review” process offered by SIGUCC for the first time, and for 20 years thereafter |
Oct. 1981 | Name “SIGUCC” changed to “SIGUCCS” (Special Interest Group on University and College Computing) |
1980s | Communication Awards presented at User Service Conference, and thereafter each fall (first date unrecorded) |
Spring 1999 | Ad Hoc Awards Committee formed, which recommended that two types of awards be established: The Penny Crane Award and the Hall of Fame Awards |
Fall 1999 | The last issue of the SIGUCCS Newsletter published |
July 2000 | SIGUCCS becomes a “conference-only” SIG |
Fall 2000 | First Penny Crane Award and Hall of Fame awards given – now given every fall at the combined fall conferences |
March 2003 | First Management Symposium held outside of St. Louis (in Monterey, CA) |
Nov. 2011 | First conjoined Management Symposium and Fall Conference held in San Diego |
Nov. 2013 | SIGUCCS celebrates its 50th anniversary at the Management Symposium/Fall Conference in Chicago |