Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals for the 50th annual ACM SIGUCCS conference is now closed! Proposals were due by July 15, 2022.

Want to chat about your idea or find other colleagues to co-submit a panel presentation? The conversation is happening in SIGUCCS Slack‘s #conference channel. Look for our SIGUCCS hangout in June, where we will be talking about the sessions you want to see at SIGUCCS 2023. 

Call for Proposals

SIGUCCS is seeking proposals from presentations, posters, lightning talks, facilitated discussions (DiscussIT) and/or panel presentations (presenters from more than one school) in the following areas:

  • Leadership Development
    • strategic planning
    • career development
    • data-driven decision making
    • DEI topics in higher education
    • any other leadership or management topics
  • Technology Topics
    • focusing on specific technologies and their implementations, upgrades, or migrations
    • Any technology platform is fair game, from active directory, networking, service desk, LMS
  • Operational Excellence
    • focusing on ways to provide excellent customer service
    • training and documentation, web site updates
    • ensuring our services and facilities are accessible to all students
    • knowledge base implementation
    • supporting a student workforce

Presentation Formats

  • Presentation (50 minutes) – standard presentation format with opportunity for question and answer. 
  • Panel (50 minutes) – these sessions focus around a topic of interest; presenters from more than one school offer insight and lead discussion around that topic. 
  • Poster – an open forum where multiple topics are presented in poster format and authors are available to answer questions  as attendees visit each poster.
  • Lightning Talks (~7 minutes) – Presenters have 7 minutes to present their topic. Presenters are encouraged to be creative with the medium.Two minutes of Q&A follows each presenter.  An additional 15 minutes for questions directed to any presenters in the group concludes the session.
  • DiscussIT (Birds of a Feather) (50 minutes) – A facilitated discussion where the presenter(s) lead a group discussion on a topic. These offer attendees the opportunity to meet people using similar technologies or facing similar issues on their campuses.
  • Hands-on (50 minutes) – Assists or guides attendees through the use of and examples of using a specific skill, tool, or platform.

Abstracts and Papers

All abstracts will be published in our conference proceedings and the ACM Digital Library. Presenters may also submit a 2-6 page paper in the ACM format. Experienced peer-review editors will assist you in publication steps.

Submissions will include:

  • Program Track (select from Leadership Development, Technology Topics, or Operational Excellence)
  • Presentation Format (presentation, panel, poster, lightning, discussIT, hands-on)
  • Intended Audience
  • Key Takeaways for attendees
  • Brief Presenter bio
  • 200-500 word abstract
  • Three keywords to include in the conference schedule to help attendees fine-tune their session selections.

Key Dates

  • June 1: Call for Proposals opens
  • July 15: Proposal deadline
  • August 1: Presenters notified
  • November 1: Registration live
  • March 26-29: SIGUCCS Annual Conference