Instructions for becoming an Exhibitor at SIGUCCS 2018 in Orlando, FL

  1. Please decide what exhibitor level you would like to obtain
  2. Contact Shawn Plummer, SIGUCCS Exhibitor Chair at

SIGUCCS 2018 Exhibitor Levels

Name & Logo on Conference WebsiteXXX
Name & Logo in ProgramXXX
Name & Logo in Mobile AppXXX
Acknowledgment at Opening SessionXXX
6' Table in Exhibitor AreaXXX
Access to Attendee ListXXX
Access to Receptions, Networking Events, and LunchesXX
Acknowledgment at Sponsored EventXX
Signs at Sponsored EventXX
Logo on Social Media MarketingXX
Co-Present with Attending SchoolXX
Independent Presentation During ConferenceX

* Co-Presenting with an attending school means that your presentation must be submitted by the school you are partnering with and would follow the same paper editing and publishing process as our other presentations.