Disney's Coronado Springs Resort

Join us at the ACM SIGUCCS 2018 Annual Conference!

Gather with fellow higher educational technology professionals in Orlando Florida during October 7-10 to share successes, find inspiration, and connect with colleagues who strive for excellence in providing information technology services for colleges and universities.

YOU make the conference and we encourage you to join us in October to celebrate your shining moments and find inspiration for your next voyage to the stars!

rocket and register now buttonRegistration

Registration Fees – Join SIGUCCS for $25 and save up to $125 on your registration!

Questions – If you have questions about registration, please send email to siguccs-conferences@acm.org.

Conference Schedule

audience clapping

SIGUCCS 2018 is using the conference app Sched.org for our schedule. Use Sched to view up-to-date program information, plan your schedule, and keep up with what’s going on during the conference!

Visit http://siguccs2018.sched.org to create an account or to log on if you already have an account.

Hotel Registration & Disney Fun

Head on over to the Hotel & Travel area of our website for more details. Attendees can purchase specially priced Disney Theme Park tickets! For more details, visit the Disney Details page.

9/25/18 Hotel Availability Update: our hotel only has rooms available on October 7 & 8

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers make SIGUCCS happen and we are happy to have your help – whether you can give one hour or several, it all makes a difference. You will be able to sign up for your own shifts, on a first come first served basis. If you’re interested, please fill out this form to let us know your volunteering preferences!