Headshot of Chris King

Chris King

  • helpfulchris.com

Chris King has been sharing messages of one sort or another for over 20 years, doing everything from small workshops and seminars for a dozen to international conferences for thousands (and even a few singing telegrams and improv skits thrown in for flavor). His background in higher education and public service has taken him all over the United States, where he has spoken about leadership, organizational change, communication, project & policy management, customer service & support, and other technical and non-technical topics. He has published academic papers on several subjects, and has also held several leadership roles in conference planning and presentation.

Chris’s talk will be What’s Your Flight Plan for the Future

A wise (or ambitious) person once said that you should “never let a crisis go to waste.” While that phrase can conjure up thoughts of carpetbagger-type people trying to take advantage of the misfortune of others, there is a lot of wisdom in the idea of acting on unexpected situations for the betterment of all involved. Whether it’s a predictable scenario like a budget shortfall in one area or a disaster scenario like a worldwide pandemic, one should always have a plan for how they could most provide hope in a hopeless place. This presentation goes through the process of futureproofing at a different level, where we plan for the expected while at the same time preparing for a world that might never come – just in case that world comes to us anyway.
