About Us

Image of Panelist at 2019 conference

SIGUCCS is an Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services. SIGUCCS conference events and activities focus on the issues surrounding the support, delivery, and management of college and university information technology services. The conference format provides members and those in the field of college and university IT support a wide variety of learning and professional development opportunities.

Sessions take a variety of formats, offering you an opportunity for various kinds of learning and networking.

  • Presentation – standard presentation format with opportunity for question and answer. Presentations are 60 or 90 minutes in length.
  • Panel – these sessions focus around a topic of interest; presenters offer insight and lead discussion around that topic. Panels typically are 90 minute sessions.
  • Poster – an open forum where multiple topics are presented in poster format and authors are available to answer questions in a one-on-one setting.
  • Lightning Talks – This is a form of group presentation where each member of a small group (approximately 5) is allocated 7 minutes to make a concise presentation on a specific, yet unrelated, topic. Two minutes of Q&A follows each presenter with an additional 15 minutes for questions directed to any presenters in the group at the end of the session. This is an opportunity for new attendees to take the first step to participate in a professional conference and gain valuable experience presenting as well as an option for seasoned attendees presenting at the conference to share quick tips and useful information without compiling a second paper.
  • Networking Events (Birds of a Feather) – informal networking opportunities based on IT topics, offering you the opportunity to meet people using similar technologies or facing similar issues on their campuses.

Code of Conduct

View the Policy Against Harassment at ACM Activities

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please reach out to one of the conference committee or email siguccs2022@docs.siguccs.org

About ACM

SIGUCCS is one of 37 Special Interest Groups of ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society. ACM provides the computing field’s premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resource

In the United States, and throughout many regions around the world, current events have brought attention to the urgent need for equality and respect for all individuals. ACM reaffirms its commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion within the global computer science community.  

As an international organization of nearly 100,000 professionals, ACM respects the essential worth of all people and firmly believes that diversity strengthens the scientific enterprise and society as a whole. ACM’s Code of Professional Ethics embodies these principles, and our Diversity and Inclusion Council works to translate them into effective action. 

ACM is committed to creating an environment that welcomes new ideas and perspectives, and where hostility or other harmful behaviors are not tolerated. As an organization, we stand with those who promote inclusivity.