Volunteers Needed!

volunteers needed written in a notebook on white table

The SIGUCCS 2022 Program Committee is seeking conference volunteers. These Virtual Session Volunteers will have similar responsibilities to the volunteers from last years’ sessions.
All sessions take the form of a Zoom call during which a pre-recorded presentation will be shared. As such, the Session Chair and their backups will be hosting the Zoom call and playing the pre-recorded videos. The presenters themselves will also be in attendance, but their focus will be on answering questions via chat as they arise during the presentation. We are therefore looking for session chairs who meet the following criteria:

  • Comfortable and experienced hosting Zoom calls
  • Have a high bandwidth data connection for streaming presentation videos
  • Disk space to host the presentation video

We’re also looking for a backup session chair for each session. Their responsibility would be to take over if the primary session chair starts to experience technical difficulties.
If you are interested in helping out in this way, please head on over to our Simple Session Signup Sheet and claim yourself a session or event to chair. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via email siguccs2022@docs.siguccs.org

Session Responsibilities
Session Chairs & Backup Session Chair

  • Take over hosting the session once the Zoom call has been launched by a Committee member
  • Introduce the session as a whole, then each video/presentation in turn
  • Starts the videos from their system and shares via Zoom

Session Chair Pre-Reqs

  • Download a copy of the video(s) for their session from the conference Drive
  • Test video presentation delivery before the date
  • Check in with presenters to see who will be there, ensure that they will be answering questions
  • Comfortable with managing Q&A /after/ videos have ended


  • Also have a copy of the video as a backup
  • Take Q&A in Zoom chat while their specific video is running
  • Participates in general Q&A after all videos have finished.